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More than meets the eye!

Our distinct identity (aka logo) is more than just a pretty picture.  Staff of the center worked with a professional graphic artist over several weeks to create an image that represented the complexity and sentiment that is ECCA. 

The three pillars represent the three programs we offer (Engaging Aging, Adult Day Services, and Caregiver Wellness) and the three aspects of Virginia Tech’s Mission (Learning, Discovery, Engagement).  Of course, we started with Hokie colors for this identity, but we needed a third.  The turquoise is a nod to the blue of Blacksburg High School showing we are dedicated to serving the local community.  It is also the color representing our Memory Masterclass program. 

Perhaps my favorite part is the white wave watermark.  It’s dotted like an i to represent people.  ECCA seeks to connect people during times of their lives when their connection may wain.  This includes the students who are away from home and their families.  The wave serves as the reminder of that connection.  It is also representative of vital signs & the healthcare coordination we offer.  Finally, the wave is a nod to our research.  We’ve piloted a Music Therapy project in collaboration with neuroscience and track longitudinal outcome measures and engagement from our ADS program. 

So you see…… there is more than meets the eye when it comes to our logo.  There is even more to our center than can be captured in one image.  Stay connected so we can show you more!