Category: ADS News

Virginia Tech Ready

Want to learn about how Virginia Tech is approaching the COVID pandemic? Read more about it here with plans for the Fall 2020 semester, health resources and messages from the

2020-06-17T14:59:56+00:00 June 17, 2020|ADS News|

Outside & Social Distancing

There is increased evidence that spending time outside doesn't increase your risk while still practicing social distancing. Enjoy the great outdoors and check in with the CDC to see what

2024-01-21T22:08:57+00:00 June 17, 2020|ADS News|

Cold Weather Precautions

As a caregiver, colder weather presents a different set of precautions that should be taken to help keep your loved one safe during these months. While you might be thinking

2020-01-06T17:11:19+00:00 January 6, 2020|ADS News|